You Might Be Surprised How Much Geothermal Solutions Can Save You Here in Las Cruces

As a home owner, you are constantly seeking ways to keep as much of your money in your pocket as possible. You make sure to turn off lights when you exit a room, you keep your house set to a few degrees warmer or cooler depending on the season, you ensure that there aren’t any leaks passing through your windows or doors, and many more things that you know can help you save money on your utility bills. But what about your actual heating and cooling system?

If you’re using an older HVAC unit, you aren’t getting the most efficient heating and cooling possible. Simply put, a geothermal system can easily be three to four times MORE efficient than standard solutions that you find in the majority of homes. That’s just the tip of the iceberg, as well. Extra benefits that a geothermal heating and cooling system can bring to your home comprises of…
  • Geothermal systems experience a coefficient of performance (COP) of anywhere between 3 and 4.5, sometimes even higher. What this means is that for each unity of energy used in the system, you’ll get back the COP value in heat. To put this into perspective, a traditional heating system’s COP is usually in the neighborhood of 0.7. That’s a massive increase!
  • The upkeep on a geothermal system is pretty close to zero. A properly installed loop will last for an extremely long time. The unit itself is installed inside, typically in the garage. This means that it’s protected from the elements, and the only wear and tear it’ll experience is from standard use. Quality parts and construction will give you piece of mind that it’ll last a long time without needing maintenance.
  • A geothermal system can be installed with either a newly constructed house, or it can be installed as a retro fit. There are many types of loop systems that can be used as well, so a home doesn’t need as much space as you might be thinking. For example, a vertical loop system is installed straight into the ground, and only requires a small area compared to a horizontal loop.
To put the cherry on top, geothermal heating and cooling is one of the greenest energy solutions out there, and you’ve got a giant WIN-WIN situation. You can see savings of up to 70% right out of the gate. Does this all sound like something that interests you? Give us a call today, and find out why Las Cruces homeowners have come to rely on us for all of their geothermal needs.